Tamara Wolfe

Tamara's Story

Have you ever felt like you hit a limit in your business or personal life and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t move beyond that stuck point? OR you like what you do in business but you have this pull or desire for more but you are not sure what it is? Maybe you are pushing down these longings and discontent only to feel like life is passing you by and you are not feeling fully alive.

That is where I found myself several years ago. I had a pull for more beyond my current role as a business leader and sales mentor to make a greater impact in people’s lives yet I loved what I did and didn’t think I could find anything better as an entrepreneur with this freedom and flexibility. I pushed those thoughts and feelings down for years until I had a health scare and then one day my inner voice firmly said “STOP!” I felt stuck and scared, my business was plateauing, and this feeling of discontent was impacting my relationships and my overall happiness. At that moment, I made a decision to figure out how to get "unstuck" by either reconnecting to my passion for my current position or figuring out my next step to align with my passion and purpose.

My journey led me to my now mentor and the career path that matches my desire to support others in discovering their passion and purpose so that they could live in alignment and bring their gifts to the world. I finally had a name for this next path, Transformational Life Coaching. Despite the voices of fear, I listened to that calm voice of intuition that encouraged me to move forward to embark on this new journey to become a coach. I am so grateful to have found my mentor and this specific type of coaching that offers a proven, repeatable system of success. I applied this transformational system to my life through this transition and continue to apply it to reach new goals and dreams. I now have had the joy and privilege of bringing it to hundreds through my coaching and speaking.

As I continue on my journey, I listened to that part of myself that yearned to go deeper into the study of neuroscience and I recently earned another certification as a NeuroCoach and NeuroLeader. I now equip my clients with additional knowledge and tools related to the brain and help them understand the WHY behind how we think, feel and act so that they can use it to create even better results.

Tamara Wolfe

About Tamara Wolfe

Tamara Wolfe is the Founder and CEO of Full Spectrum Living and a sought-after Certified International Life Mastery Coach, Mindset and Results Expert, Certified Neuro Coach and Neuro Leader, International Speaker, and Trainer. She is also an author of a story in a collaborative International Best-Selling book, Short, Sweet & Sacred, 52 Uplifting Stories From Life Coaches Who Overcame and Moved From Stuck to Success.

Since 2018, Tamara has been helping business leaders and solopreneurs in achieving their goals and dreams, accelerating their results, and creating richer fuller lives. She specializes in supporting those that are seeking to go to the next level of success who might be feeling stuck, wanting to make a transition to another business or have a dream project that they would like to bring into reality. She was recently recognized with an Impact Award from the Brave Thinking Institute in recognition of the number of clients she has impacted. In between teaching and coaching, Tamara also offers dynamic and engaging in-person and virtual presentations and workshops internationally to organizations both large and small.

In addition to over 30 years in the study of personal development, Tamara comes to life coaching with a background as a dance/movement therapist and 20 years as an award-winning business leader and sales mentor. She holds a bachelor’s in psychology from Connecticut College and a master’s in dance/movement therapy from Goucher College as well two coaching certifications one in Life Mastery Coaching from the Brave Thinking Institute and the other in NeuroCoaching and NeuroLeadership from the Optimind Institute. She is an avid student and continues to invest in advanced training and education through the Brave Thinking Institute and other programs with top thought leaders. She has been married for more than 30 years and has two adult children.

Here is my landing page for my best-selling book in which I authored my story of transition - Short, Sweet & Sacred (stories of life coaches going from stuck to success). If you want to check it out: Short, Sweet & Sacred. You can also find it on Amazon.